Monday Chat Up: World Aids Day

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Hello beautiful people! How are we doing? Trust we had a good weekend. As for me, i visited my home state for my grandmother's funeral which took place in my native home town.
It was a missed feeling funeral as its seen as celebration of life for the strong titan who slept at the age of 110 years to some people , while her children feel sad for the vacuum created which no man can close. Late Mrs Angelina Ajunwa, was strong till she slept off. She never suffered what elderly people suffer from such as HBP, stroke, diabetes, etc... We are very grateful for the life she lived and we are thankful to God Almighty for bestowing her with such blessings and at the same time, pray for more of such blessings for all our descendants.

Am sorry for failing to deliver our Monday chat-up for he past couple of months and here is a promise on never to do so again. On today's chat up, which coincide with a very important day in history as well as 1st day of the last month of the year, we will look at one of the most dreaded infection before Ebola came into existence.


What is World AIDS Day?

World AIDS Day which is held on 1 December each year,  is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died as a result of this infection. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988. 
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Some of us will be wondering why is such day important in the society.
Why is World AIDS Day important?

Around 100,000 are currently living with HIV in the UK and globally an estimated 34 million people have HIV. More than 35 million people have died from the virus, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.

Today, many scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there are laws to protect people living with HIV and we understand so much more about the condition. But despite this, people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others from HIV, and stigma and discrimination remain a reality for many people living with HIV. World AIDS Day is important as it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education on this disease area. Hmmmm, now you know, spread the word!!
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As an individual, most of us who are not working on this area will be wondering how can the support in observing this day. Here its is....

What should I do on World AIDS Day?

World AIDS Day is an opportunity for you to learn the facts about HIV and put your knowledge into action. Find out how much you know by taking our online quiz: Are you HIV aware? Test your knowledge and awareness by taking the quiz and act aware by passing the quiz on and sharing it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, BBM, Whatsapp etc.
If you understand how HIV is transmitted, how it can be prevented, and the reality of living with HIV today - you can use this knowledge to take care of your own health and the health of others, and ensure you treat everyone living with HIV fairly, and with respect and understanding. 

You can also show your support for people living with HIV on World AIDS Day by wearing a red ribbon, the international symbol of HIV awareness and support.
Note: A HIV free generation begins with me! Have get tested? Remember, early detection is key to treatment !

Get tested today and don't delay!!!

Do not forget our #GiveAway4Peace to the first two people who comment on this post is still very much applicable!

Peace Begins With A Smile

Lets tweet @Precious_Ajunwa

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