Happy New Year & Tricks To Living A Successful 2015

Happy New Year Lovelies!  Words can't describe how grateful we all are to God right?!! It's a thing of joy to witness a new year despite how much you have lost or gained in the previous year! 

Am always super excited and never know how and when tears of joy rolls down my cheek each year I cross over with loved ones, friends and family!  

So, I did it the KICC Way last year and it was amazing in God's presence! Feels good to write about last year, Or mention last year...in short am totally thankful...!





Wow, a new year, a new slate, a new
board, a new piece of clothes in months ! Brand, brand new!! Any thought as the word new and new and new echo in our ears?

This is 2015, New book entirely, And the drawing, painting, writing on this brand new book lies in our hands!!! Here is an opportunity for each and everyone of us to write a better story for ourselves this New Year!!

Yes exactly in our hands but the big question now is "Are We Ready"?  Don't ever forget that we always have the ability to make a change in how we perceive & react to the world...Yes, that power is within your grasp.... 
Seat back as I remind us those tricks we need to apply to enjoy a successful 2015!

On a scale of 0-10, 8 % of  how successful our year turns out lies on our hands and we know that...You raise an eyebrow? Please, dont give me that because we all know the truth and fact about this!

There is no way, we will be asking for God's favour, open doors and blessings without working hard on whatever our hands finds to do! Gone are the eras when God threw manna from heaven and as such whoever that crave for manna that will make them blow this year need to work hard in all ramifications!  

Hard-work sure pays and there are so many successful stories of how people's hard-work payed off!

Another tip for living a successful year is to work on things that can impact into one's life, people around us  and our community at large! Permit me to explain further in these few lines below ~

Many of us are real hard workers spending our precious time on things that are not meaningful . This could be as a result of how one is handling it or because it's not our spot to shine to greatness. I can further buttress this point by reminding us of what is written in the holy book "Whatever Our hands finds to do, do it with all our heart".

Another vital thing we need to work on after making sure we doing the right thing by working hard, being passionate on what we are working on in addition to perseverance, is to commit it into our makers hands.

Some could say, she is going the religious way....Yes, I am, because I do God a lot and I wouldn't have been here today at this level if I don't involve him into my dealings!

Dear lovelies, doing God pays positively and if we don't invite him into what we do, how best can we succeed ..except we are part of the group who has another piper that play for them..

Lastly, forgive those who wronged us and apologise to people who we wronged and dont forget to be good to people and I mean everybody despite the individual status quo!! Little things matters and even the poor help the rich in their own little way...

Trick the year with your hard-work, perseverance, passion, doing the right thing, involving God, forgiving people, apologising when you are wrong and being good to everyone and watch the magic unfold...

Lovelies, I urge you to "Be The Best You Can Be" by following this "Tricks to Living a Successful 2015" because a peaceful, productive 2015 will be all yours as you beam smiles from January to December!

Happy New Year Once Again!!

Watch out for more bloggings from me !!!

Lets tweet @Precious_Ajunwa


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